咳嗽及感冒Cough & Cold
成份: Ingredients:
甘草,生石膏,瓜萎,五味子,杏仁,矮地瓜,陳皮,滿山紅,百部等.Chinese Licorice root & Rhizome, Folium Pyrrosiae, Trichosanthes Fruit, Schisandra Fruit, Apricot, Herba Ardisiae Japonica, Tangerine Dried rind of mature Fruit, Folium Rhododendron Daurici, Stemona Root Tuber.
作用: Act..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients: Lonicerae Confusa DC、 Weeping Forsythia Capsule、 Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb、 Prepared Soybean、 Lophatherum Herb、 Great Burdock Achene、 Reed[Rhizome、 Platycodon Root、 Radix Glycyrrhizae、 1 Vitamin C、 Peppermint Oil、 Cornstarch、 Microcrystalline Cellulose、 Stearic Acid、 Silicon Dioxid..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredien: 金銀花、連翹、薄荷、荊芥、淡豆豉、牛蒡子(炒)、桔梗、淡竹葉、甘草。 Honeysuckle Immature Flower, Weeping Forsythia Fruit, Mentha Herb, Chinese Licorice Root, Great Burdock Fruit, Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb, Prepared Soybean Seed, Common Lophantherum Herb, Balloon-Flower Root 作用: Actions: 辛涼解表,清熱解毒.適應於減輕風熱感冒,發熱頭痛,咳嗽,口..
Ex Tax:$8.75
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