男女保健品 Women's and Men's Health Products
成份: Ingredients: 人參,白芍,當歸,巴戟,仙靈脾,天龍。 Ginseng root,Dahurian angelica root,Chinese angelica root,Medicinal indianmulberry root,Shorthorned epimedium herb,Mutilans. 作用: Actions: 溫腎培元,壯陽起痿,有助於改善陽痿,早泄,男性性巧能減退症。 Maintenance of the male sex organ normal funtion, vigorizing sexual functions and filling a ma..
Ex Tax:$8.35
成份: Ingredients:
熟地王,金櫻子,覆盆子,枸杞子,菟絲子,女貞子,仙茅,黨參,天冬,續斷.Adhesive rehmannia root, Cherokee rose fruit, Palmleaf raspberry fruit, Barbary wolfberry fruit, chinese dodder seed, Glossy privet fruit, Common cruculigo rhizome, Dang shen, Cochichinese aspragus root, Himalayan teasel root.
作用: Actions..
Ex Tax:$10.50
Uses: Supports the general health of the body and helps maintain a healthy circulatory system and female reproductive system.Directions: Take 1 pill each time, twice a day.Warnings: Do not use if you have ever had an allergic reaction to this product or its ingredients.Net Weight:&nbs..
Ex Tax:$14.75
成份: Ingredients:
金櫻根,雞血藤,兩面針,功勞木,千斤拔,穿心蓮. Cherokee rose root, Suberect spatholobus stem, Shinyleaf pricklyash root, Leatherleaf mahonia stem, Philippine flemingia root, Common andrographis herb.
作用: Actions:
清熱解毒,健脾除濕,通絡活血。適應於女性生殖系統的健康功能. Support the health of the circulatory and female ..
Ex Tax:$8.75
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