口腔 Mouth ; 咽喉 Throat; 支氣管 Bronchus
成份: Ingredients: 車前草,蒲公英,地丁,黃柏,白花蛇舌草,Asiatic plantain herb, Mongolian dandelion herb, Toyko violet herb, Amur corktree bark, Spreading hedyotis herb. 作用: Actions: 適應於清熱利濕,解毒消炎,維持沁尿系統及生殖系統的健康.Supports the health of the urinary and genital syatem. 警告: Warnings: 存放於兒童不能接觸的地方. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILD..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients: 冬蟲夏草,五味子,枇杷葉,牡蠣 ,百合,百部,白芨,甘草,蛤蚧.Cordyceps,Fouctus Schisandrae,Folium Eriobotryae,Concha Ostreae,Bulbus Lilii ,Radix Stemonae,Rhizoma Bletillae,Radix Glycyrrhizae ,Gecko. 作用: Actions: 本品採用天然地道中草藥使用科學方法精心提煉而成,適應於促進久咳不癒, 咽喉, 氣管及胃部的功能.These tablets are prepared with indigenous herbs. Su..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients: 川貝母,陳皮,桔梗,遠志,五味子,甘草.Bulbus Fritillariae,Tangerine Peel,Balloon Flower Root,Polygala Root,Schisandra Fruit,Chinese Licorice Root and Rhizome. 作用: Actions: 川貝精片適應於促進咽喉,支氣管和肺部的功能.本品採用川貝母等天然地道中草藥使用科學方法精心提煉而成.Supports The Health and well-being of the throat, bronchi and lungs these table..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients: 川貝母,射乾,甘草,紫苑,半夏,枇杷葉,桔梗,桑白皮.Tendrilleaf fritillary bulb, Black berryliy rhizome, Ural licorice root, Tatarian aster root and rhizome, Ternate pinellia rhizome, Loquat leaf, Balloon flower root, White mulberry bark. 作用: Actions: 清熱化痰,宣肺止咳,解痙平喘,有助於改善急慢性支氣管炎,咽喉炎,肺炎,維持呼吸系統的健康.Supports th..
Ex Tax:$8.75
主要成份: Ingredients: 穿心蓮. Common andrographis herb. 作用: Actions: 本產品適應於呼吸系統,免疫系統,神經系統,鼻竇,胃部及腸的健康.Supports the health of the respiratory system, immune system, nervous system, sinuses, stomach, and bowels, provides for the general well-being of the body. 警告: Warnings: 孕婦不能使用, 不能長期服用或超出建議量, 存放於兒童不能接觸的地方..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients: 銀花,栀子,黃苓,白鮮皮,連翹,赤芍,蟬蛻,防風,大黃。 Honeysuckle,Cxardenia florida,Scutellaria baicalensis,Fresh orange peel,Forsythxa suspensa,Red paeonia albiflora,Cicada shell,Rhutarb of szechuan. 作用: Actions: 清熱解毒,止痛,用於緩解灼熱,清毒火,止痛癢。 注意事項: Warnings: 孕婦禁用, Not to be used during pregnancy. Availability: U..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients: 珍珠,黃蓮,甘草,山豆根,青黛,人中白,寒水石.Synthetic Bovine Gallstone, Rhizome coptis, Licorice root, Sophora, Indigo, Calcitum, Ren Zhong Ban. 作用: Actions: 用於保持口腔氣味清新.To refresh your breath 警告: Warnings: 存放於小孩觸摸不到之處,如封印有損,不要使用.請保持密封,存放於陰涼乾燥的地方.Keep this product out of reach of children. Do not use if..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients: 大黃,黃蓮,黃苓.Rhizoma Rhei (Root),Rhizoma Coptidis,Radix Scutellariae . 作用: Actions: 適應於清熱解毒,瀉火通便,小便赤短,排毒養顏等.support the health and helps alleviate the discomfort feeling, relaxing the bowels and keeping in good face. 注意事項: Warnings: 孕婦服用須向醫生查詢.存放於兒童不能接觸的地方. 如封印紙有損壞請不要使用.保持密封,存放於陰涼乾燥的地方存..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients: 夏枯草,野菊花,桑葉,蔗糖。 Prunella Vulgaris, Dendranthema Indicum Flower, Morus Alba Bark, Sucrose. 作用: Actions: 清肝明目,疏風散熱,用於目赤頭痛。 Support the health and maintain proper immune function. 注意事項: Warnings: 存放於陰涼乾燥的地方存放於兒童不能接觸的地方.Keep tightly closed and store in a cool, dry place. Availability: Us..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients: 川貝母流浸膏、 桔梗、 枇杷葉、 薄荷、 杏仁香精、 蔗糖、 水.Tendrilleaf Fritillary Bulb liquid extracts, Platycodon Grandiflorum Root , Eriobotrya Japonica Leaf, Mentha Arvensis Top, Almond Essence, Sucrose, Water. 作用: Actions: 川貝枇杷露為中國傳統純中藥製劑, 有助於清熱化痰, 促進喉嚨和支氣管系統的健康. Fritillary & Loquat Extract is a Ch..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients: 蒲公英,紫花地丁,銀花,生地,兩面針,知母,野菊花. Mongolian dandelion hern, Tokyo violet herb, Japanese honeysuckle immature flower, Adhesive rehmannia root, Shinyleaf pricklyash root, Common anemarrhena rhizoma, Indian chrysanthemum flower. 作用: Actions: 適應於清熱解毒,涼血消腫,消炎止痛,改善各種原因所致的牙痛和牙週炎,維持牙齒的健康. A speci..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients: 車前草,珍珠草,翟麥,大小薊,風尾草,川萆薢.Proprietary blend,Asiatic Plantian Herb,Common Leaf Flower,Lilac Pink Herb,Japanese Thistle Herb,Huguenot Fern Herb,Thinnest Yam Rhizome. 作用: Actions: 適應於清熱去濕,利尿逍淋,維持前列線及泌尿系統的健康.Supports the health of the prostate gland and the urinary system. 注意事項: Warnings: ..
Ex Tax:$8.75