扭傷 Sprain ; 骨絡 Bones ; 止痛及關節炎 Pain Relievers(Arthritis)
成份: Ingredients:薄荷腦,樟腦,冬青油,蕓香浸膏,Menthol, Camphor, Methyl Salicylate, The extract of herbal rue.
作用: Actions:
暫時舒緩因一般酸痛,關節炎,扭傷,挫傷所引致的肌肉告關節酸痛.For temporary relief minor aches and pains of muscles and joints due to: Simple backache, Arthritis, Sprains, Bruises,
警告: Warnings:
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients: 冰片。樟腦。薄荷腦。芸香。水楊酸甲酯。 Borneol. Camphor. Menthol. Rue. Methyl Sallcylate. 作用: Actions: 袪風濕,活血止痛。暫時舒緩因下列症狀引致的肌肉和關節酸痛:風濕病。關節炎。扭傷。Promote blood circulation. Temporarily relieve minor aches and pains of muscles and joints due to: Rheumatism. Arthritis. Sprains. 警告: Warnings: 只供外用,孕婦須請教醫生方可..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients:Camphor 樟腦 Menthol 薄荷腦 Methyl Salicylate 水楊酸甲酯. Inactive Ingredients: 輔助成份: Mustard seed, Twotoothed Achyranthes Root Fortune's Drynaria Rhizome, Fleece flower Root, Common Floweringqince Fruit, Himalayan Teasel Root, Hirsute Shiny Bugleweed Herb, Zedoray Rhizome, Slenderstyle Ac..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients: 熟地黃、肉蓯蓉、淫羊藿、雞血籐、鹿啣草、萊菔子、骨碎補。 Adhesive rehmannia root , Chinese pyrola herb , Fortune's drynaria rhizome , Shorthorned epimedium herb , Desertliving cistanche herb , Suberect spatholobus stem , Garden radish seed. 作用: Actions: 補腰腎,強筋骨,活血行氣止痛。有助於增生性脊椎炎(肥大性胸椎炎、肥大性腰脊炎)、頸椎綜合征、骨刺等骨質增生..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients: 三棱,莪術,延胡索,五靈脂,大黃,徐長卿,骨碎補,續斷,蒲黃,防風,牡丹皮.Common burreed rhizome, Turmerjc rhizome, Yanhusuo rhizome, Trogopterus dung, Medicinal rhubarb root and rhizome , Paniculate swallowwort root, Fortun's drynaria rhizome, Himalayan teasel root, Longbract cattail pollen, Divaricate saposhniko..
Ex Tax:$17.75
成份: Ingredients: 薄荷腦,樟腦. Menthol, Camphor. 作用: Actions: 暫時舒緩因一般酸痛,關節炎,扭傷,挫傷所引致的肌肉告關節酸痛.For temporary relief minor aches and pains of muscles and joints due to: Simple backache, Arthritis, Sprains, Bruises, 警告: Warnings: 只供外用,孕婦須請教醫生方可使用,存放於小孩觸摸不到之處,如封印有損,不要使用.請保持密封,存放於陰涼乾燥的地方.For External use only. ..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients: 薄荷腦,樟腦. Menthol, Camphor. 作用: Actions: 暫時舒緩因一般酸痛,關節炎,扭傷,挫傷所引致的肌肉告關節酸痛.For temporary relief minor aches and pains of muscles and joints due to: Simple backache, Arthritis, Sprains, Bruises, 警告: Warnings: 只供外用,孕婦須請教醫生方可使用,存放於小孩觸摸不到之處,如封印有損,不要使用.請保持密封,存放於陰涼乾燥的地方.For External use only. ..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients: 冬青油,松節油,桉葉油,薄荷冰,樟腦,茶油.Methyl Salicylate, Turpentine Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Mentholum, Camphor, Tea Oil. 作用: Actions: 暫時舒緩因一般背痛,關節炎,扭傷所引致的肌肉及關節傷痛.For the temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and joints due to : Simple backache, arthritis, sprains. 注意事項: Warnings: 只供外用.不..
Ex Tax:$11.75
成份: Ingredients: 薄荷油,薄荷腦,樟腦,冬青油,桉葉油,蜂臘.Peppermint Oil, Menthol, Camphor, Methyl Salicylate, Eucalyptus Oil, Bees Wax. 作用: Actions: 外用新舊跌打,風寒濕痺,觸扭筋骨,撞傷積瘀,肩背腰痛,筋骨疼痛.This Product is an excellent cream for healthy skin...
Ex Tax:$10.25
成份: Ingredients: 當歸尾,丹參,桃仁,蒲黃,乳香,五靈脂,沒藥,田七,自然銅,澤蘭,紅花,白芷,龍血竭,Radix Angrlicae Sinensis, Radix Salviae Miltiorrhiae, Semen Persicae, Pollen Typhae, Olibanum, Faeces Trogopterorum, Myrrha, Radix Et Rhizoma Notoginseng, Pyritum, Herba Lycopl, Flos Carthami, Radix Angelicae Dahuricae, Resina Draconis. 作用:..
Ex Tax:$26.25
成份: Ingredients:
製川烏,香附,沒藥,當歸,薑活,細辛,桂枝,乳香,。。。。Radix Aconiti Preparata, Rhizoma Cyperi, Myrrrha, Radix Angelicas Sinensis, Rhizoma Et Radix Notopterygii, Herba Asari, Ramulus Cinnamomi, Frankincense.......
作用: Actions:
有助於袪除風濕,通經活絡,散寒止痛,用於風寒濕痹,肢節疼痛,肢體麻木。Support the ..
Ex Tax:$14.75
成份: Ingredients:
丁公藤,桂枝,麻黃,酒精,薑活,當歸,川芎,乳香,牡丹皮,五靈脂,補骨脂,黃精,山藥. Caulis erycibes,Cassia,Ephedra,Alcohol,Incised notopterygium,Angelica root,Olibanum,Subshrubby peony root-bark,Trogopterus dung,Malaytea scurfpea fruit,Manyflower sololmonseal rhizome,Common yam rhizome.
作用: Actions:
Ex Tax:$14.50
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