肝/膽Liver & Gallbladder ; 肺 Lungs; 心臟 Heart
成份: Ingredients: 冬蟲夏草 .Cordyceps. 作用: Actions: 適應於補肺,益氣,調補虛損。Cordyceps has a well knows herb in Asia, Today, It is recognized as a suppplement that helps promote bronchial health and general well being. 警告: Warnings: 如封印紙有損壞請不要使用.保持密封,存放於陰涼乾燥的地方存放於兒童不能接觸的地方. Do not use if cap seal is broken, keep t..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients: Salvia Miliorrhiza 丹參。Schizandra Chinensis 五味子。Radix Scutellariae 黃芩。Radix Glycyrrhizae 甘草。Fructus Mori 桑椹。 作用: Actions: Supports the Liver Functions and Blood Circulation. 清熱解毒,活血化瘀,護肝理脾,降低轉氨酶,增強機體免疫力,恢復肝功能。 警告: Warnings: Use with caution during pregnancy. Consult your herbalist o..
Ex Tax:$10.75
成份: Ingredients: 黃芩,大黃,杞子,桔梗,花粉,知母,苦參,黃芩,前胡。 Radix Scutellariae , Radix et Rhizoma Rhei , Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii , Fructus Gardeniae , Radix Platycodi , Radix Trichosanthis , Rhizoma Anemarrhenae, Radix Sophorae Flavescentis , Cortex Phellodendri , Radix Peucedani. 作用: Actions: 清肺止咳,降火生津。用于肺..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients:
雞骨草,茵陳,地耳草。Canton Abrus Herb, Virgate wormwood herb, Japanese st.john swort.
作用: Actions:
療或治愈及預防其他病痛.Supports the health of the liver Function. This statement has ..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients: 龍膽,地黃,桅子,黃岑,柴胡,車前草,澤瀉,甘草.Radix Rehmanniae, Rhizoma Alismatis, Radix Gentianae, Radix Bupleuri, Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata, Fructus Gardeniae, Radix Scutellariae, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Semen Plataginis. 作用: Actions: 清利肝膽濕熱,保養肝膽系統及調理前胸腔,口腔,內耳和泌尿系統.Helps Maintain the health of th..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients: 丹參,三七. Dan shen root,Sanchi Root. 作用: Actions: 有助於活血化瘀,理氣止痛,加強心臟,血液循環系統的健康.Supports the health of the heart, blood and the circulated system. 注意事項: Warnings: 存放於兒童不能接觸的地方. 如封印紙有損壞請不要使用.保持密封,存放於陰涼乾燥的地方存放於兒童不能接觸的地方. KEEP OUT OF REACH 嘢F CHILDREN. Do not use if cap seal is broken, keep..
Ex Tax:$8.75
成份: Ingredients: 人參,琥珀,乳香,金蝎,沒藥,細辛,天竺黃。Ginseng root,Amber,Olibanum,Scorpion,Myrrh,Manchurian wildginger herb,Tabasheer。 作用: Actions: 袪風化痰,活血通絡,適用於中風,步行困難,口眼歪斜,手足痙攣,左瘫右瘓,筋骨疼痛,半身不遂,言語不清。 Supports yhe health of the neurologic, muscular and skeletal system. 注意事項: Warnings: 孕婦禁用,ot to be used during pre..
Ex Tax:$20.95
成份: Ingredients: 金錢草,五味子,枇杷葉,百合,甘草。Jin qian caofrouctus,Frouctus schisandrae,Folium eriobotryae,Bulbus Lili,Radix clycyrrhizae。 作用: Actions: 清肝、利胆。用于急慢性传染性肝炎、胆囊炎及肝脏分泌机能障碍等。Ligan Pian is excellent herbal remedy for liver support, for years people in china has used this formula for discomforts saaocia..
Ex Tax:$8.75
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